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Current Event Debate

The current event debate involved researching information about a current event topic, and writing and presenting short speeches. The event was judged by a prominent lawyer and the mayor. 


I learned about the importance of teamwork. We had to communicate in a cohesive group in order to get anything done. I also learned how valuable it can be to be underestimated. At the beginning of both debates we did as a class, everyone expected the opposite group to win. that gave us an advantage, because no one was prepared to deal with the points we brought up. Never underestimate the opposing side.

English 2

Essay Revision Assignment

After finishing an essay, and receving the grade and feedback, we were assigned the task of finding and revising mistakes in our own writng.


Too often it feels like people in general finsih a project, and then forget about it until they find out the magical number that is the grade they received. I know that I occasionally just focus on the number, and not what I actually did. I forget about what I can do to be better next time, and fix the mistakes I have made. However, for this project I got to analyse my own errors, and discover for myself how best to correct them. This was a wonderfully enlightening experience into the world of my own writing. 

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